Tuesday, 16 October 2012


ü Hybridisation
The crossing between genetically dissimilar plants to produce a new kind is called Hybridisation. Crossing may be between two different varieties (intervarietal cross breeding), between two different species of the same genus (interspecific cross breeding), and between different genera (intergeneric cross breeding). This method incorporates the desired (good) characteristic of both parents in one variety. The common type of breeding is intervarietal.
ü Cross-breeding
Cross-Breeding of two varieties of plants (one high yielding and other having resistance to diseases) is carried out to obtain an improved variety of plants which will combine in it both the desired characteristic of the parent crop plant, thus, obtained will give high yield of food grains and it will be disease  resistant too. This process of cross breeding of different plants to obtain a new improved variety of crops is called hybridisation. The new varieties of crop plants, thus, obtained are called “Hybrid varieties” “improved varieties” or “high yielding varieties” (HYV) crops.

ü Green revolution in India
The bumper increase in the yield of food grains (especially the wheat crop) as during the 1970s is often termed as Green revolution. The 1970 Nobel Laureate, American scientist Dr.N.E.Borlough was the first person behind triple dwarf Mexican wheat varieties. Their colour was changed to Indian liking through Gamma irradiation (by M.S.Swaminathan, Father of Green revolution in India).
                                Green revolution has made our country self sufficient  in food, increased the buffer stock of food grains and improved the economic conditions of Indian farmers as well as provided employment avenues to large number of people.
ü     The Norflok rotation
This is one of the best crop rotation techniques. It involves the growing of four crops in a given field over a period of four years. These crops are wheat (cereal), clover or bean (legume), barley (another cereal), and turnip or sugar beet (a root crop).
ü Dr.V.Kurien

Born on 26th November, 1921, Dr.V.Kurien is the founder of the National Dairy Development Board (NDDB). NDDB designed and implemented as the world’s largest dairy development programme, called “Operation Flood”. Operation Flood programme was started with the pledge to provide milk to one and all. Dr.V.Kurien is known as the Architect of India’s modern Dairy Industry and the Father of White Revolution. White revolution means huge increase in milk production and it becomes possible by using new, improved breeds of cattle and buffalo, giving them better feed and care.

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