Tuesday, 16 October 2012

egger and broiler production,...

ü Honey Bees’ reproduction

Eggs of queen hatch into white, legless larvae, which spin delicate silken cocoons around themselves and turn into pupae. Each pupa develops into an adult. The adult comes out by cutting walls of cocoon first and secondly by breaking the wax sap of the cell.
                                During first 2 to 3 days, all larvae of bee are fed on a special proteinaceous food, called “Royal Jelly”or “bee milk” which is secreted by the hypopharyngeal glands of the young workers. After that coarser food, the “Bee Bread”, which is a mixture of honey and pollen grain, is given. However, the queen forming larvae are fed on royal jelly for the full larval life and these larvae are also taken for further development into a special chamber called the queen’s chamber or cell.life cycle of honey bee

ü Egg and Broiler Production
There are two basic categories of poultry farming: [i]obtaining more and more eggs; [ii] getting flesh.
Ø  Production of eggs
In chickens, eggs production is the most important trait. A layer starts laying eggs at the age of 20 weeks. The egg production period in commercial layer is 500 days.
                     To develop new varieties or to improve quality of chicken with respect to quantity and quality of eggs the following points are considered: [i] Egg number [ii] Sexual maturity [iii] Egg weight [iv]Body weight [v] Feed efficiency [vi] Egg size [vii] Egg shape          [viii] Shell colour [ix]  Shell quality and [x] internal quality of egg.
Ø  Production of Broiler
Chickens are raised up to 6-7 weeks in the poultry farm. They grow to a weight of 700 gram to 1.5 kg in this period. They are fed with vitamin rich supplementary feed for good growth rate and better-feed efficiency. Care is taken to prevent mortality, enable feathering, and maintain carcass quality. They are produced as Broilers and sent to market to be sold as meat.review:indian egger and broiler production
poultry industry in india

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